Shining Star

Shining Star

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tacen's Headstone is In!

While we were in the Smokie's our family friends Tim and Lori called to let us know that while they were at the cemetary visiting Lori's Dad's grave they saw Tacen's headstone put in. We are so pleased with out it turned out! It looks great and represents our sweet boy very well. We have yet to see it in person. We are hoping to see it in August, but until then we are thankful for the power of technology and the chance to see pictures! 


  1. Tacen's headstone looks great! Cade & Kelsie you did a great job designing it to represent Tacen and some of his favorite things. What a precious little boy! I think about you guys all the time and wonder what amazing things Tacen is doing.
