Shining Star

Shining Star

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy Birthday Tacen - 14 Years

 Dear Tacen,

Happy birthday sweet boy! You'd be 14 today. How is that possible? All I can imagine is your sweet 2 year old face! I was thinking this morning about when you were born. That day we had a doctors appointment like many ones before and I wasn't too hopeful you'd come. You were stubborn from the start. Little did  I know that evening you'd be born. What a blessing. Not long after you were born fireworks went off outside our hospital room. The world knew you'd be a light from the start!

We are getting ready to head on vacation so your birthday looks a little different today as we get packed and ready to go. But don't worry Cars movies will be played, water will happen at some point and we are having rice with dinner. I opted for sugar cookies this year instead of cupcakes. 

We've been talking about how you could have gone to FSY this year. We always wonder what your interests would be. I wish so badly we could see you today as a 14 year old. Oh how fun it would be to have you here with us! But I know you were meant for big things on the other side. I also often wish I could peak into the heavens for a small moments and see the wonders you've seen or the things you are doing! I look forward to that day, the day we'll see you again!

You continue to teach us so much. I see the way our kids know about the resurrection and look forward to the second coming and it brings me joy that they have a much better, deeper understanding than I did as a child. They all love you so much and wish you could be here too. Lula May especially is often saying how it's taking so long for you to come back when Jesus does. She just knows you'd be her buddy and I'm sure you just might be. 

Since having Tyg I catch glimpses of you in him. He loves cars, trucks and trains. Maybe not quite as much as you did, but he loves them. He loves the mow mows just like you and anything with wheels and motor. It's been so healing to having another little boy especially after so long. I've loved watching it all again. Tyg is older than you were when you passed away. It's crazy to me how that has happened. Now all of our  children are older than you were. Your life felt so short and yet longer than time is passing now. I'm so thankful for the short time we got have you here and all you taught us. We just love you so much. We all miss you! 

Thanks for being our son. Thanks for being in our family. We are so grateful for eternal families and temple blessings and the promises of our reunion in a future day and time! I hold on to that with all I have. I love you so much sweet boy. Keep watching over us. Be close when you can. Above all always know we love and miss you!

Happy birthday sweet boy. Eat some cake in heaven and catch your balloons when we send the your way!



Monday, June 3, 2024

Decorating Tacen's Special Place for Memorial Day Weekend

  Saturday (5.25.24) morning after helping clean the church we took Tacen's truck all planted with flowers out to his special place (the cemetery). I love the tradition of planting a truck for Tacen.  Seeing those trucks reminds me of him. Bringing it home after Memorial Day reminds me of him all summer. We sure love and miss our boy. Tyg has been in to trucks, trains, cars, etc lately and it reminds me of Tacen often. Lula and Lucille have been talking about him coming back. Lula always says its taking too long. She also, keeps telling me Tacen would be her buddy! We sure love our sweet boy and long for that day when we can be with him again! We are so grateful for Stephanie Smith who year after year adds a truck. She's so thoughtful. G'ma Sue and Pa put one on too and Grandma Ruthie and Papa added pinwheels (which he loved at the cemetery when Grandpa Knight passed away right before him) and a red truck. We also had some anonymous flowers too. Tacen is love and it means so much when he is remembered! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tyg the Same age as Tacen

 Thursday (5.16.24) Tyg was the same age as Tacen when Tacen passed away. It feels wild number one that Tyg is that old and number two that now all of our children have passed the age he was. It's both crazy and exciting. We are so glad our other children are developing and progressing normal and well. It always feels like an accomplishment to make it to this point! There are definite similarities between Tyg and Tacen. Tyg loves cars, trains, trucks, tractors, etc just as Tacen did. I often find myself thinking of him watching Tyg play. So thankful for both these boys. To know one day we'll raise Tacen and all will be made right and to have Tyg here now. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Decorating Tacen's Special Place For Christmas

  Saturday (12.9.23) we got Tacen's tree ready and took it to the cemetery. Tyg loved the cars on his tree. I couldn't find the start this year, so we improvised and added a snowflake on top. We all went to take it. Tyg loved driving a car on his headstone this year which feels so fitting. Tacen would have loved that too. I can see glimpses of Tacen in Tyg and I love the sweet reminder that they are brothers. We got it all staked down. Sure love and miss that boy! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

11 Years

Dearest Tacen,

It's been 11 years today since you returned to heaven! 11 years without you and it often feels like another lifetime that you were here with us. Oh how we miss you and can't wait to be reunited with you someday. The kids talk about and love you and it warms my heart when they bring you up. Iszella left her seat belt buckled in our expedition and it tells you which buckles are buckled and which are not. I went to drive by myself this week and hers was buckled along with mine. When I was asking her about it, she simply said, "mom it was Tacen." It made me smile. I know it's silly, but I love that she thought of you. The kids often talk about how we have one more seat for Tacen in our expedition. 

We talk about how losing Tacen has changed us. It's leaves it mark. One of those is that we realize often how short life is. We realize that life can change on a dime. If eel like we hold our other kids a little closer or makes choices to do things all together because you just never know. I'm thankful for the reminder of this in our Tacen. I'm thankful for the light he brought with that continues to still touch our lives. 

I'll forever have the moments where I wish Tacen was here or wondering what things would be like to have a 13 year old. Wondering what he'd be doing in school, what his interests would be and how he might get along with our other kids. But I will also be forever grateful to a loving Heavenly Father and his perfect plan of happiness that promises that one day I'll be with him again. One day everything will be made right. I hold on tight to those promises. We sure love you sweet boy. We miss you always. Keep shining on us from heaven!



Sunday, July 2, 2023

Happy 13th Birthday Tacen

 Dearest Tacen-

You should be a teenager today! 13! I can't believe you would be that old. I always find myself wondering what your interests would be now, who you would be. Sometimes it makes me so sad missing you! I wish so much you were here with us celebrating your special day! Your birthday fell on Sunday (7.2.23) this year, so we partied hard at the lake on Saturday (7.1.23) doing all the water things. Your littlest brother Tyg resembles you some and some not, but when we took him to the lake this week and put him in he didn't love the cold. I couldn't help thinking of the stark contrast to you in the lake at one. You were so happy and you loved every minute being in the water. All water, but your one year old summer we spent several days at the lake. It's one of my favorite ways to remember you play so happily in the water! It could be freezing cold water, but you wouldn't mind you played away! Your love of water was unmatched! 

Daxon and Iszella had a swim meet in June and we realized that if you'd been here and done swim you would been grouped together with Daxon. It's those moments that sting sometimes. Missing you and wondering. It makes me so much more excited to see you again. The kids talk about you still. Especially Lula May. She tells me often how much she misses you. When we got our new Expedition she reassured me that we still had a seat for Tacen in the back. They also have discussed how you will need a room in the house. We had a room for you for a year and half downstairs that was a guest room/ our exerecise room, but I decorated with your things. Now Daxon is in there and sometimes Lula reminds me that you don't have a room. I love how concerned they are for you. You are loved and missed! 

I've spent time thinking over the last few months about you, your life and our Savior. It's easy to look at our situation and say we didn't get our "miracle" because you weren't healed and you didn't get to stay here on earth with us. And the thing is we didn't get that miracle, but we got many others then and we continue to now. Most of all, we have our Savior and He is always the miracle. Because of Him even though we miss you now things will all be made right one day. Because of Him, you will be resurrected just as He was. Because of Him you live eternally and we will get to live with you. All my hopes and dreams will one day be fulfilled and even though sometimes it feels like it's taking forever it's all going to be glorious and beautiful and much better than I could ever imagine. So I am holding onto all those miraculous promises until we see you.

 We honor and celebrate you today. rice, cupcakes and watching videos and pictures of you today. Keep watching over us sweet boy. We love and miss you so much! Happy birthday Tace! 



Saturday, October 29, 2022

10 Years

It's been 10 years since we said goodbye for now to our Tacen. I'll always remember how long and hard those first days and months were. How I couldn't even imagine making it to 10 years and now here we are. Time continues to pass by. It's a thief that way. The days tend to still feel long, but the years are getting shorter and shorter. Our house is full, our days are full and our family complete, but we always feel Tacen's lacking. The hole he left behind. The way we miss him and wish he was here with us. I feel him and know He's on the Lord's errand for now. I often wish I could take a peek and see what it is he fills his days with. What time looks like for him on the other side. Oh what longing I have to be with him again. I try to wait patiently (although I've never been great at patience) for the time when we will see him again. I try to continue to improve being the mother our children need and also improving so I can be with him again. Tacen you are the mark buddy, the one we all can't wait to be reunited with some day. I see you in your siblings at different times and I am thankful for their reminders of you. 

I've thought of you often as we draw near to a date I never thought I'd have to track. The one that tells me how long it's been since your passing. I think of you a little more. My heart feels a little extra tender to your missing presence. I always add you into our family pictures and lately it's been Lula who asks if you were there with us when we took that picture. Although I know you are near more often than I even realize I have to explain how you weren't here in person. Oh how I wish you were. We are one year closer to seeing you again my sweet boy, one year closer to holding you in my arms. Stay near please sweet boy. Watch over us. Help us when we need it most. I love you Tacen!