Shining Star

Shining Star

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Visiting the cemetery and seeing Tacen's Headstone

Monday (8.19.13) I finally made it out to Tacen's headstone. I had debated heavily if I wanted to go by myself or wait until Cade got there. I finally decided to go and then I'd go back with Cade. It looks so nice and it oddly, made it feel all the more real.
Cade and I went over Sunday (8.25.13) and Cade got to see it for the first time. We were also able to visit once more on Friday (8.30.13) before we headed back home.  Each time tears were shed and it sank in a little deeper (I didn't know that was possible) that he's really gone. The headstone is a beautiful tribute to our sweet boy! Seeing his little face on it was both beautiful and heart wrenching! It represents him well and all the things he loved so much! It felt nice to be able to go and visit and we hope one day to be closer and able to visit more often then we get to under our current circumstances.
Daxon ran around obliviously and Cade and I chatted and missed T!

While out playing on the deck with Daxon(8.19.13) I was sitting in the rocking chair. I noticed this leaf which took me back to the last time I was out playing on my parents deck with Tacen and he was trying to get all the leaves off the deck. It was a sweet reminder that he's closer that I often realize!

1 comment:

  1. Kelsie, you are such a strong woman! How wonderful it is that you will see him again :)
