Shining Star

Shining Star

Monday, September 9, 2013

Introducing our family of 4...

Yesterday while we were attending sacrament meeting we were able to hear from a member of our ward, who has also lost a child. We've had several new families move into our ward in recent months and she went about introducing her family to those she did not yet know. She went about talking about how they have 4 children, her oldest daughter, her oldest son, who has passed away and would be 15, and then her other two sons.
I've often wondered and struggled with how to go about including Tacen. He's such an important and integral part of our family. I often just say when asked, our oldest son Tacen, passed away last October. But I loved this simple introduction. I have a feeling I will be using this in the future when we introduce our family in new places. I also loved including how old he would be. Because I often think about how he would be 3, and it's an easier way for me to think about it then having to pin down when he passed away. I would much rather dwell on his life and example, on how old he would be than dwell on when he left this life.
These little experiences I have help me to figure out the best way I want to do things and what helps me to handle things best. This is an experience that I will be remembering and using in the future.

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