Shining Star

Shining Star

Monday, February 18, 2013

Like a Dream

I had so many amazing memories of Tacen! I can look around our home and picture him everywhere! I often look around and remember how he used to play and what he would do. I love and cherish those memories! I love our little home because it was the last place Tacen was with us on this earth! I love the time we were able to have with him here!
That all being said I'm very grateful for my memories, but my mortal mind is well, mortal and unfortunately each day Tacen becomes just that. . . A memory! It sometimes feels like the last 3 1/2 months have been years. It feels like an eternity since I saw, held and played with my sweet boy! It feels like a distant dream. One that I remember quite well, but that ends.
I'm not sure if any of this makes sense, but its how I can describe how I'm feeling about all of this. I will forever remember Tacen. He will live on through Cade and I and the memories we have. We want to make sure all of his siblings know him and who he is/was! He will always be a very important part of our family. We will always love him and cherish the time we had with him. Most of all we will ALWAYS miss him. But life goes on because it has to. We got on to be good parents to Daxon. We go on so we can do the best we can to get back our sweet boy.  Most of the time though I wish I could have a few more minutes of that beautiful dream...someday...someday!

1 comment:

  1. The good thing is that you are an awesome blogger and you have written down SO many memories of him. So you will always have those to look back on and remember the times that you had with him. And that is special and awesome. :)
