Shining Star

Shining Star

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tacen Jewelry

When Tacen passed away I wanted something that I could keep with me that would remind me of him. Cade and I talked about it and we both decided we'd like rings. Cade had a very specific design in mind. We got my engagement ring from SE Needhams. We  were able to design my ring just how we wanted it. We knew that's what we wanted to do with our Tacen rings. We knew we could design then just how we wanted them.  We went in December while we were in Utah and got them designed. We had a few snags along the way (I think mostly because of long distance). They had them both done and ready to ship out and then they realized that Cade's got sized to a 5 some mistake in their cad program. So his will still be a couple weeks, but I got mine in the mail today and I LOVE it!

I also wanted to show my beautiful necklaces. We had some very thoughtful people give me beautiful necklaces and I LOVE wearing them around. I love my jewelry and the little pieces of Tacen I can have with me to remember him!


  1. I love the ring! It is so pretty. And the necklaces too.

  2. The Ring turned out beautiful! and those necklaces are precious.
