Shining Star

Shining Star

Monday, April 29, 2013

6 Months

It has been six months today since our sweet Tacen was called back to heaven. Not a day goes by that we don't think about him and miss him. I think about the time that has passed. It seems like an eternity since I held him in my arms, stroked his hair, smelled his sweaty, scent, and told him I loved him. In other instances of our lives time has passed by normally, maybe even quickly. Yet, in relation to Tacen it feels like forever. Each milestone or holiday that passes without him doesn't feel quite right, but we are adapting, adjusting if you will. I know I've said this before, but I've really been striving to find the little positives in our life since Tacen's passing. Regardless of what I do I can't get him back, but I can find the good. Over the last six months I have seen so much good and so many positives come from his loss. Tacen touched so many lives. Most of all he touched ours. He made me a different person, a better person and for that I will forever be grateful. My outlook on life has changed immensely. Who I am and the way I look at things will forever be altered. I am so thankful for the all the time we were able to have with him and that he didn't leave us any sooner.  Our lives are better because he was in them! Today and every day, we love you to the moon and back Tace!!! Thanks for always watching over us!

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine the pain you go through everyday. I have lost many close to me, but I am sure none of it can come close to losing a child. My heart aches every time I see you. Just know I miss him too, and I think of you often. Love you all!
