Shining Star

Shining Star

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I was sitting thinking this morning what a special treat Mother's Day was last year. Because Daxon made his debut 16 days early I was able to have one special Mother's Day with both my boys! Little did I know then that it would be my only Mother's Day with both my boys.
I was also thinking about how it was tough with both my boys. Tacen was a hard toddler with his extra needs and Daxon was a fussy baby, but those were some of the happiest days together as the 4 of us. Whether not Tacen is here with us or not he will always be my son and I will always be his mother! I will forever be thankful for the lessons I learned from my sweet boy and the blessing of being his mother! I will cherish that always! Today at church a speaker shared a poem/story about a child coming to this earth and how his/her mother would be his/her angel. I thought how my sweet boy is now my angel! 
I read this: "He made me a mother, before that I was just a nice lady." on a friend's blog and it got me thinking about the truthfulness of that statement. Motherhood is a special gift! It changes a person or at least it has changed me! It's a precious gift. On this Mother's Day I'm grateful to be Tacen's mother! I'm also grateful each day for my Dax and the joy and life he brings! What a blessing motherhood is to me! I wouldn't trade the time with my boys for anything! I wouldn't trade being home with my children and being their mother for all the riches of the world. It is what I know I am meant to do with my life right now. I will forever be grateful that I was able to be home with Tacen and spend my days with him while he was here upon the earth. 

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