Shining Star

Shining Star

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thoughts about grieving...

One of my best friends' mom, Nancy (who I also consider a dear friend) told me about the Mormon Channel and "Conversations."  I was so glad she shared these with me. I listend to Elder Wickman and Elder Bowen. I have linked their conversations if you feel so inclined to listen. They both have been through the tradgedy of losing children at a young age. They each had something I wanted to remember that really stuck out to me.
Elder Shane M. Bowen. said:
"Keep that eternal perspective and realize that we have everything...There is nothing wrong with crying. Sometimes you just have to cry. But it gets better... But keeping your covenants is where the peace comes."

The eterinal perspective I have gives me the strength to move forward each day. I also could relate to the comment, "Sometimes you just have to cry!"

Elder Lance B. Wickman said:
"Adam(his son) made no improvement...finally, one morning after a fitful night..I spoke to the Lord and told him that we wanted our little boy to return to so very much, but nevertheless what we wanted most was for His will to be done and that we (Pat and I ) would accept that. Adam crossed the threshold into the eternities a short while later. Frankly we still grieve for our little boy, although the tender ministering of the spirit and the passage of the years have softened our sadness... . But Pat and I know that his path through mortality was intended by a kind Heavenly Father to be shorter and easier than ours and that he has now hurried on ahead to be a welcoming presence when we likewise eventually cross that same fateful threshold."

I could deeply relate to this. We also had to come to that realization that we were willing to accept Heavenly Father's will for us and Tacen and that it wasn't that he would stay with us, but that he would move on. I also appreciated hearing him say that they STILL grieve their little boy! Having gone through this and continuing to do so I know that we will always grieve and miss our sweet boy! Which leads me into my next though!
My good friend Heather S., sent me this the other day:

"If you feel that because you grieve you must lack faith in eternal things, just remember the precious moment of President Hinckley grieving his beloved Marjorie. Love means it's okay to miss them in the meantime."

This really touched me! I know that it's ok to miss my sweet boy, but it really helps to hear it every now and again and to have so many people around me who care so deeply and have shown us so much love and support. We couldn't continue on without the support and love of our family and friends!


  1. I'm so glad you posted this!! I think death of little children and babies is so taboo because the world doesn't know that children are saved, and perfect, and go straight to Heavenly Father's presence. Within the strengthening community of our church, God inspires His leaders to preach about the eternal promise of families and especially the saving grace that children are promised and it brings the ability to grieve, but to keep a broader perspective and know that grief will end, being replaced with ultimate joy! Love you Kelsie and I think about you, Cade, Tacen, and Dax all the time!
